now. we are..
why o why??
i really want to know the reason behind
no more chatting
no more laughing
even no more smiling...
can i turn back time
mend thing which has been broken into pieces
no way out
you and me are bonded
Why, as the world spins, do I stand?
Still as the leaves, when there is no wind,
Why does it hurt so much?
Why am I falling?
Things change and so do people.
Friends left, and some just stop being friends
Some just stay and hold you ’till the end, but…
Some, you can never hold on to something…forever.
So learn to let go… except my FRIENDSHIP with you!
surrounded by many,
yet isolated and alone,
i try to reach out to people
but succeed in grasping just empty air;
struggling to keep my sanity,
i plunge myself into darkness
for its the only place to hide
to cope with all this,
i give up and cry myself to sleep
It was hard for me to breathe,
I choked on my own words,
It was like I was dying.